Molecular detection of low-density P. falciparum infections is a critical part of malaria treatment. A rapid test kit can help clinicians determine whether a patient has malaria, and it can be a cost-effective alternative to microscopy in some cases. The rapid test is easy to use and is based on proven standards of diagnostics. The results can be interpreted by a physician in less than an hour.
Molecular Detection of Low-density P. falciparum Infections
Molecular detection of low-density (LD) P. falciparum infections with the iCARE Malaria Rapid Test Kit can be performed quickly and easily in a laboratory. This test allows for rapid screening for malaria and is based on real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification. The results show whether the patient is infected with P. falciparum or has mixed infections involving both P. falciparum and P. vivax.
Molecular detection of low-density infections is increasingly important for malaria surveillance and disease control. This can help identify risk factors for residual infections and determine a reservoir of the disease in the population. Molecular detection of low-density infection by DBS may be a useful way to identify high-risk populations, identify residual transmission, and identify infectious reservoirs. The iCARE Malaria Rapid Test Kit is a sensitive and accurate method for detecting P. falciparum in blood samples.

In the field, the reliability of the iCARE Malaria P. falciparum Rapid Test Kit has been questioned. In remote healthcare facilities, this rapid test is widely used for first-line diagnosis. However, the results of this test must be interpreted carefully. It is important to consider the patient’s recent medical history and date of arrival in FG.
A multicenter study was conducted to determine the reliability of the iCARE Malaria P. falciparum Rapid Test Kit in children. Children aged six to 59 months were screened for malaria with a blood smear. Inclusion criteria included a blood smear showing monoinfection with Plasmodium falciparum, a positive RDT result, and no concurrent febrile illness. A study was conducted in Uganda in a hyperendemic area where 85% of children aged six to nine months were diagnosed with malaria.
The interpretation of the iCARE Malaria P. falciparum Rapid Test Kit is an important step in malaria diagnosis. The results of this rapid diagnostic test can help to make the correct diagnosis and treatment decisions. The test uses the pan-pLDH antigen and PfHRP2 or PfHRP3 antigen to detect low-density P. falciparum infections. However, the accuracy of the test depends on the patient’s medical history and date of arrival to the country of malaria transmission.
The test is performed on whole blood collected from an infected individual. It uses a finger-stick or a venous draw. It contains monoclonal antibodies that target the panmalarial antigen. This allows the rapid detection and differentiation between malaria-causing species.
Alternative to Microscopy
Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria are a useful alternative to microscopy, which requires highly skilled personnel and is labour-intensive. These tests can also detect low-density or mixed infections, which are often missed in microscopy. They are useful for both initial diagnosis and confirmatory testing.
Using an antigen-based test kit, which is based on a species-specific antigenic protein, will provide a proper diagnosis. The test results are tabulated in terms of sensitivity and specificity. The sensitivity and specificity of malaria antigen-based rapid test kits are comparable to those of microscopy.